

全文字数:13000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


论网络民主[6] 周天鸿.网络民主”培育民众自由、平等民主精神 2013.03 。


The thesis on online democracy


Abstract: • Internet, which is continuously extending and developing, now has become almost ubiquitous in our daily lives. Needless to say, it is a unique communication medium qualified with universality, catholicity, equality and immediacy. Keeping in step with the rapid growth of internet, a new form of democracy, so called “online democracy” springs up. This article aims at studying the characteristic of online democracy, simultaneously explaining its positive effects, such as speeding up the process of keeping the public informed of the government affairs as well as electronization of official business, it also improve the effectiveness of government on a large scale. However, there are a series of problems that we couldn’t ignore, such as the mob of internet, netizens’ regarding online democracy as a trifling matter, etc. Finally, conclusion is reached that, in order to make online democracy most efficient, the significance of not only law making but also moral construction should be emphasized at the same time, a perfect internet superintendent is urgently needed as well, last but not least, it is obligatory for the government to reduce the disparity for the sake of the peasants’ right of participating online democracy. To summing it up, online democracy should be integrated with the traditional democracy to serve the socialist construction more properly, providing the public with a platform to speak out freely, participating in the administration and discussion of state affairs more conveniently and effectively.
Key words: online democracy; Affairs public; Political democracy
[1] [美]凯斯•桑斯坦:《网络共和国:网络社会中的民主问题》,黄维明译,上海人民出版。
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[3]黄旭、 傅国春: “ 论网络对政治的影响”,《湘潭师范学院学报》( 社会科学版)
[4] 郑曙村:“ 论网络技术革命对民主政治的五大促进作用”,《齐鲁学刊》
[5] 张千山:“互联网对民主发展的负面影响”,《学术论坛》

