

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




On the Main Problems and Countermeasures
 of Government Affairs Publicity
Abstract:The government affairs publicity is an important part of service-oriented government and the foundation of effective people's supervision.Let people know power operation in order to let people supervise power operation.The best way to let people know power operation is government affairs publicity.Promoting the government affairs publicity can effectively develop government functions,regulate government behaviours,supervise and restrict the using of public power.Although the work of government affairs publicity has got some achievements since launched.Government affairs publicity still has many problems due to various factors.This article analysed the main problems and causes of government affairs publicity and raised some measures such as changing ideas and emphasizing the senses of government affairs publicity,expanding and being sure of the subject and scope of government affairs publicity,enriching the content and forms of government affairs publicity,perfecting the legal system construction of government affairs publicity and improving the supervision system in order to solve these problems,aiming at perfecting the work of government affairs publicity.
Key words: government affairs publicity;present conditions;problems;countermeasures
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