

全文字数:4500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


希拉里˙克林顿退选演讲的文体分析文体学是一门运用现代语言学理论和研究方法研究文体的学科。它的研究目的在于通过对具有文体意义的语言特征进行分析,揭示语言运用的表达效果和交际功能。 公众演讲作为一门特殊的演说门类,在西方社会中一直有着重要地位,它不仅具有政治价值,还具有很高的文学价值。 优秀演讲者具备不同的综合素质,他们针对不同主题的公众演讲能给英语学习者起典范作用。希拉里克林顿作为现任的美国国务卿和具有多年国际事务经验和个人魅力的优秀演讲者,其公众演讲很值得进行系统的探讨和研究。 本文以希拉里克林顿退选演讲为例,从语音、词汇、句法和修辞层面等四个方面进行分析,尝试总结出美国国务卿希拉里演讲的文体特征,为广大英语学习者提供英语演讲的学习范本。 关键词:希拉里;退选演讲;文体分析 Abstract Stylistics is a branch of linguistics, which applies the theory and methodology of modern linguistics to the study of style. It aims at analyzing the language in specific context to reveal the expressive effect and the communicative function. As a special kind of speech, public speech has played an important role in western society. It has the great value both in history and literature. Excellent speakers always have high quality and good skills, their public speeches on different subjects can be good examples for English learners. Hillary Clinton, the Secretary of State of America, is an outstanding speaker with decades of experience of international affairs. So, it is worthy to analyze and study her public speeches systematically. This thesis attempts to analyze the stylistic features of Hillary’s concession speech from four dimensions: phonological, lexical, syntactic and rhetoric levels, hoping to provide a good example for English learners. Key words: Hillary concession speech stylistic analysis

