

全文字数:5500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


英汉语言中的禁忌语对比研究 Taboo(禁忌、禁忌语)一词来自汤加语,意思是“需要极端注意的事”,那些被视为禁忌的事物和行为不能被随便提及,只能应用一种间接的方式加以说明。中西方文化中都存在语言禁忌(linguistic taboo)。它不仅是一种语言学现象,还是一种社会现象,任何一个社会都普遍存在。禁忌语有着丰富深刻的文化内涵,它折射出其所在民族的传统观念、习俗礼仪、伦理道德以及社会普遍心理特征。因此,多了解英汉禁忌语有助于我们在学习中更加深入地学习各种文化。本文从禁忌语的起源与语言背景出发,对英汉禁忌语进行了初步的对比研究与讨论。从总体上看,中西方语言禁忌呈现出相似的趋势展示了人类文化具有的相同的一面,同时也体现了不同文化具有相互影响的一面,这就是他们的共性。而文化背景的巨大影响,也让中西方语言禁忌衍生出各自的不同形态,这些不同点也是语言中最富有内涵的一部分,这是他们独特的个性。运用对比的手法分析英汉禁忌语的普遍特征, 并对其进行分类,这种直观的方式能够把他们的共性与个性更好的呈现在大家的面前。 通过对英汉语言禁忌语的初步探讨和对比研究,作者期待本文有助于英语学习者在跨文化交际中正确地理解禁忌语,并尽可能地消除跨文化交际活动中因缺乏对禁忌语相关知识的了解而造成的交际障碍,从而使交际双方避免对对方产生误解,增强跨文化意识,确保跨文化交际活动的顺利进行。 关键词:禁忌;英汉对比研究;文化 Comparative Study on Taboo in English and Chinese Abstract: The word “taboo” comes from Tongan, and it means “requires extreme care”. Things and activities which are taboos should not be casually talked about, and people should use a roundabout way to describe them. China and western countries have linguistic taboo, it’s not only a kind of linguistic phenomenon, but also social phenomenon, and it’s a common existence in every society. Taboo has a rich and deep cultural connotation; it gives out its national tradition, custom, common ethic and social psychological traits. Therefore, to know more about the taboo will help us go further into the study of culture learning. This essay starts from the origin and background of taboos, and make an elementary and comparative research on Taboo in English and Chinese. On the whole, the similar trend of taboos shows the similarity of human culture, and in the same time it indicates that different culture can influence each other to some extent; this similar trend is their general character; however, the great influence of culture make the English and Chinese taboos develop into different forms, such differences are parts of language which are regarded as the richest in connotation; the differences are called special character. This essay use comparative way to analyze the common characters of English and Chinese taboos, and classify them, such kind of direct way make the similarity and difference more clearly to everyone. By having the elementary discussion and comparative research on English and Chinese taboos, we hope this essay can help English learners understand taboos currently during the cross-cultural communication, and remove the obstacle which comes out for not knowing the taboos. Thus we can avoid the misunderstanding of each other, then strengthening our consciousness of culture, in order to make the cross-cultural communication go smoothly. Key words: taboo; comparative study on English and Chinese; culture

