

全文字数:30000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


中山市居民休闲生活满意度影响因子研究随着社会经济的发展,休闲逐步渗透到社会生活和文化的各个方面,已成为城市居民日常生活的重要组成部分,同时也是这个时代的重要特征和社会文明的进步标志。本文通过对中山市各个镇区进行休闲生活状况问卷调查,运用Excel软件对问卷进行统计,采用数据透视表方法对调查数据进行分析,研究不同性别、户籍、年龄、就业情况、带薪假期、家庭类型、收入情况等因子对居民休闲生活满意度的影响作用。结果表明,性别这一因子上,男性的满意度比女性的要低,原因在于社会分工、社会压力、传统文化等使得男性参与休闲生活的时间、金钱及休闲质量都比女性要低,应从社会支持、人文文化上给予男性鼓励以及压力宣泄的的渠道;户籍方面,应关注外来务工者休闲生活满意度;年龄方面,老年人拥有最高的满意度,更好的养老体系能够保持这个优势,而对于青年中年群体,应向他们提倡健康休闲的概念;在就业情况这一因子上,正常退休(离退休、内退)等压力小且时间较多的受访者满意度高,提高就业率以及增加失业、退休保障能够提升满意度;家庭类型方面,核心家庭、主干家庭受访者的满意度最高,建议支持其他类型家庭转型为上述家庭类型;在带薪假期以及月收入这两个影响因子上,资金和时间直接影响满意度,而休闲产品的门槛间接影响了满意度,建议在工作时间、平均薪酬以及降低休闲产品门槛上着手,使居民的休闲满意度增加。中山市属于经济发达的中小型城市,在民生建设、城镇一体化方面在全国具有示范作用,通过对中山居民的研究,以期为中小城市的民生建设提供借鉴。 关键词:休闲生活;影响因子;满意度;因子分析 Study on Influence Factors of Leisure Satisfaction of Residents in Zhongshan City Abstract With the social and economic development, leisure is gradually penetrating into all aspects of social life and culture, is become an important part of the daily life of residents, but also an important feature of this era and the progress of social civilization flag.Based on the survey about leisure living conditions of Zhongshan residents, using the Excel software statistical questionnaire, the survey data had been analysied ,which concludes different gender, residence, age, employment status, paid vacation, family type, income and other factors affect the residents' leisure life satisfaction.The results show that on the gender factor, satisfaction for male is lower than female because of the social division of labor, social pressures, traditional culture, society support should be given to male; Household registration, should be concerned about migrant leisure life satisfaction; In terms of age, the elderly have the highest satisfaction, pension system is able to maintain this advantage,for young middle-aged groups, they should promote the healthy concept about leisure; Factor in the employment situation, the normal retirement (retirement, early retirement) is the most satisfied group, raising the employment rate and paid holidays, as well as monthly income,increasing unemployment, retirement protection can improve the satisfaction; About types of families, the nuclear family and the stem family are most satisfied, the proposed transformation of the type of family support other types of family;Income and paid vacation impact on satisfaction directly, and leisure products threshold affect satisfaction indirectly. Zhongshan city belongs to the economic development of small and medium-sized cities with an exemplary role in the people's livelihood and urban integration, so this study can provide a reference for the people's livelihood construction of small and medium-sized cities in the country. Key words: Leisure life; Impact factor; Satisfaction; Factor analysis

