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城乡一体化的医疗保障制度研究2005年7月底国务院发展研究中心宣布 “医改基本不成功”,我国就进行了新医改的探索,新医改是中共中央、国务院向社会公布的关于深化医药卫生体制改革的意见。《意见》提出了“有效减轻居民就医费用负担,切实缓解‘看病难、看病贵’”的近期目标,以及“建立健全覆盖城乡居民的基本医疗卫生制度,为群众提供安全、有效、方便、价廉的医疗卫生服务”的长远目标。据此可以看出,我国进行医疗保障制度改革的的最终目标就是建立城乡一体化的医疗保障制度,在这个保障制度体制内,解决城乡居民的医疗难题。但是这个目标的实现不是一蹴而就的,需要我们根据城乡地区的不同特点,采取有针对性的措施,稳扎稳打,步步推进。为了达到这个目的,应该采取四步走的战略:第一,根据城乡不同的特点,分别解决好城乡各自的医保难题;第二,在此基础上找出问题的共性与差异性;第三,统一共性,弱化差异性,并逐步融合;第四,最终实现共同融合,使得城乡一体化的医疗保障制度得以构建。 关键词:城乡医疗;一体化;分年龄段;融合 Abstract At the end of July, 2005 development research center of the state council announced the "cure of basic unsuccessful", our country on new medical exploration, cure is new to the party central committee and the state council on deepening public opinion the reform of medical care system. "Opinions" proposed "effectively reduce medical treatment cost burden, practically residents' difficulties in getting relief and doctor your '", and" the short-term goal of the establishing and perfecting the covering both urban and rural residents basic medical health system, for the masses to provide a safe, effective, convenient and inexpensive medical health service "long term goals. Accordingly, our country can be seen medical security system reform is the ultimate goal to build the integration of urban and rural areas, the medical security system in the security system of urban and rural residents, within the medical problem solving. But the realization of this goal, we need not accomplished according to the different characteristics of the urban and rural areas, to adopt targeted measures, slow, one step at advancing. To achieve this goal, should take four steps: first, walk strategy according to different characteristics of urban and rural areas, troubleshoot each of their respective health-care problem; urban and rural Second, based on the similarities and differences to identify problems; Third, unified commonness and weaken the difference, and gradually fusion; Fourth, ultimately realize common fusion, makes the integration of urban and rural areas to build medical security system. Key words: Urban and rural medical;Integration;Points age;Fusion

