

全文字数:13000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


非公有制企业参加基本养老保险问题研究近年来,随着我国非公有制经济的快速发展,其经济结构、从业人员结构以及劳动关系结构发生了新的变化,非公有制经济组织的数量、经济总量与从业人员数量均有较大幅度的提高,成为拉动我国经济发展的重要力量。但是,与非公有制企业迅猛发展的形势相比,其从业人员参加养老保险的状况却不尽人意,大部分非公企业还游离于社会保障体系之外。本文通过对非公有制企业养老保险的分析发现如下问题:非公有制企业养老保险覆盖面比较窄、非公有制企业故意压低缴费基数,并对产生以上问题的原因分析。并运用定性分析和定量分析的方法,提出相应的对策建议:扩大非公有制企业养老保险覆盖面,合理调整非公有制企业养老保险基数。以便在非公有制企业中建立较为完善的社会保险体系,促进下岗职工再就业,保障劳动者享有基本权利,维护他们的合法权益,转变、更新择业观念,提高非公有制经济的社会地位,促进非公有制经济持续、健康发展,为繁荣国民经济发挥应有的作用。 关键词:非公有制企业;养老保险;缴费基数 Abstract In recent years, along with China's rapid development of non-public economy, its economic structure and employment structure and labor relation structure took place the new variety, nonpublic economy organization quantity, total economic output and number of employees are relatively substantially rise, boosting the economic development of China became an important force. But, with the rapid development of non-public enterprises, its practitioners than situation attend endowment insurance status is actually unsatisfactory, most of the non-state-owned enterprises outside the free in social security system. Based on non-publicenterprises endowment insurance problems: non-public enterprises endowment insurance coverage narrower still exists, non-public enterprises inferior payment rate still to produce, and analysis of the reasons of the above problems. Using qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis method and in combination with the social security related theory proposes pointed countermeasure: further enhance participating insurance rate expand coverage and improve non-public enterprises endowment insurance base. So in the non-public enterprises to establish a relatively perfect social insurance system, and to promote the reemployment, so as to ensure that employees enjoy basic rights, safeguard their legitimate rights and interests of the transformation, update their ideas, improve the social status of non-public economy, promote the non-public economy sustainable development and prosperity national economic play a huge role. KeyWords:non-public enterprises;endowment insurance; capture expends base

