

全文字数:15000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


论我国社会保障基金的监管 社会保障基金是社会保障体系的核心,是现代社会保障制度得以建立并正常运行的物质基础和财力保证,有效监管是社会保障基金安全运行的重要保证,我国为此出台了一系列的政策。但是,社会保障基金监管政策却在执行中存在法律障碍、体制障碍、技术障碍以及信息不对称等问题。我国的社会保障体制才刚刚起步,需要借鉴国外的经验,结合我国的国情,完善和发展具有中国特色的社会保障体制。 本文的基本思路是:首先,结合前人的研究成果,总结当前我国社会保障体制中出现的主要问题有:法制不健全,独立监管机构的缺位、监管过程透明度不高资金挪用、占用情况严重,监管模式单一等问题。其次,结合外国社会保障基金管理系统中的优点,针对已出现的问题提出切实有效的解决方案。最后,对我国社会保障体制的完善和发展提出意见。 关键词:社会保障;基金监管;制度创新 Abstract The social security fund is the core of the social security system, it is modern social security system be established and the normal operation of the foundation and financial guarantee, the effective supervision is safe operation of social security funds in China, the important guarantee for the issued a series of policy. But the social security fund regulatory policies, but in the course of execution have legal obstacles, system obstacle, technical barriers and information asymmetry, etc. China's social security system has just started, need to use for reference foreign experience, with China's national conditions, improvement and development of Chinese characteristic social security system. The basic idea is: first, combining previous research achievements summarize the current social security system in the main problems appeared in a: perfect legal system, the absence of the independent regulator, regulatory process transparency high capital misappropriate, occupy severe, supervising mode. Single Secondly, combining foreign social security funds management system for the advantages, already the problems occurred effective solutions. Finally, of China's social security system and the improvement and development comments. Keywords: social security; Fund supervision; System innovation

