

全文字数:5000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



凯特•肖邦, 美国女作家,被誉为“美国女权主义文学创作的先驱之一”。她的作品是典型的女权主义作品,体现了强烈的反抗父权制中心文化的女性意识觉醒。《觉醒》就是这方面的杰出代表作,这部作品还为她赢得了“具有超前意识的作家”的声誉。《觉醒》是美国女性文学史上的经典之作,而她本人也因此当之无愧地跻身于一流作家的行列。
《觉醒》主要讲的是女主人公艾琳娜不甘扮演贤妻良母的角色,渴望并追求自由的故事。凯特•肖邦通过描写主人公埃德娜从性欲觉醒到精神觉醒, 再到不惜放弃生命捍卫其女性意识的经历, 以独特的视角展现了彼时美国妇女日益觉醒、渴望实现性别平等的历史生活画面,赞扬了女主人公的意识觉醒。《觉醒》是美国女性文学史上的经典之作,至今人们对它的研究兴趣不减。

关键词: 新女性; 自我; 困境; 觉醒; 女性意识
Kate Chopin, American female writer, is known as “one of the pioneers of the American feminist literature”. Her works show a typical feminist tendency, which embodies a strong resistance of patriarchy-centered culture. The Awakening is an outstanding representative work, and won Chopin the reputation of “advance writer”. This novel, with its important position in American feminist literature, has successfully placed Chopin among the top writers of the country.
The Awakening is mainly about the story of the heroine Edna, who is unwilling to play the role of a good wife, pursuing freedom. Through depicting Edna’s awakening from sexual awakening to spiritual awareness and to the final giving up her life, Kate Chopin represents her contemporary historical period in which women were awakening to pursue gender equality.
The paper mainly analyzes the reasons and process of Edna’s self-awakenings, including the awakening of the sense in economic independence, the awakening in spirituality and the awakening in actions. Edna finds her independence and self-identity and she would like to purse her dream at any costs. Her death cannot simply be regarded as a compromise with the conventional rules; but, it is a beginning and rebirth of a new life.

Key Words:  new woman  selfhood  dilemma  awakening  female consciousness
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