

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




Development Model and Countermeasures on the mortgage securitization of Commercial Bank in China
—— Based on international practice
Abstract: Housing Loan Asset securitization is the core asset securitization products, it caused a series of innovations in systems, markets and technology in global financial field. It is known as the most effective form of financing and investment instruments and now has become an international trend. In China, the study in of Commercial Bank Mortgage Securitization is late. There are still some problems in development and gaps with developed countries. Therefore, first, this article states the practice and mode of international mortgage securitization. Second,  it analyses the present status of Chinese commercial banks mortgage securitization. In addition, in reference to international mortgage securitization practice and mode, it also give some suggestion in Commercial Bank Mortgage Securitization.
Key words: commercial banks; housing loan; asset securitization;business management ; sub-prime mortgage crisis.

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