

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年





Wangwei ,as a representative of the Georgian school of Tang dynasty, owned special writing style and made particular contribution to china’s poem, who is also a pious Buddhist believer. Wangwei mixed the concept of zen Buddhism with the sensible acquisition of natural beauty. Therefore, under his writing, there comes the quite and tranquil rural scenery and more of them are the sequestered zen Buddhism conception.  The reason why Wangwei always took flying birds as his images in plenty of his poems are not only his unique love in his aesthetic appreciate and the requirement of deepening the artistic conception of aesthetics. What matters is that it tskes the character of flying bird metaphor.

Keywords: WangWei;Poetry image;flying bird metaphor;
参 考 文 献

[6]霍建蔚.浅论王维山水诗的禅意与画意.[J]. 青海师专学报,2007,(4). 

