

全文字数:5500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


浅析经贸英语特点及翻译策略随着经济全球化的迅速发展和中国成功加入世界贸易组织,中国与世界各国的贸易往来日益频繁,因此经贸英语翻译显示出其重要地位。其翻译特点与研究也日益成为翻译者们一个重要的研究领域。经贸英语属于特殊用途英语,与文学翻译等其他翻译形式有着很多不同之处。本文从词汇、句法和语篇三个层次对经贸英语的特点做出系统的分析,提出了忠实、准确、礼貌,前后文连贯统一的翻译原则。在此基础上对经贸英语的翻译详细的提出相应翻译策略, 具体包括选词准确、增词减词法、分句合句等翻译方法。最后对经贸英语领域的翻译者应具备的素质和能力提出要求。
关键词:经贸英语; 语言特点; 翻译原则; 翻译策略 
On The Characteristics and Translation Strategies of Business English
Abstract: With the rapid growth of economic globalization and China’s successful accession to the WTO, the trade between China and the world is becoming increasingly frequent, while Business English translation also shows its importance. Business English is a variety of English for specific purpose, and the translation is different from literary translation and other forms of translations. This thesis makes a systematic analysis of the characteristics of Business English from lexical, syntactic and textual levels and puts forward a number of specific translation principles: faithfulness preciseness and consistency. Based on the features and principles, this paper proposes translation strategies: amplification and omission of the words, divide or combine sentences, and conversion of a word’s property. This paper proposes requirements for translators work in business field at last.
Key words: Business English; Linguistic Characteristics; Translation Principles; Translation Strategies

