

全文字数:18000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




Abstract:the significance,versus brain drain a matter of not allow smallness regard of the the some question in parts,past versus me state charred did civic check more analyst but runny cause ubiety up of the abstract:these theses be conducted to past versus me countrymen but runny actuality hold analyses,thereby set homologous countermeasure for. study first exhibitor but AND brain drain 'notion,in turn raises account research brain drain' meaning ubiety for. secondly tell me countrymen but runny actuality. me countrymen but runny actuality mostly incarnate infra several point:1. China join wto queen,slather brain drain;2. me state state look forward to brain drain phenomena severity;3. brain drain lie a sort of domino effect. follow analyses me state such brain drain phenomenal cause. boil down to six lit sixfold AND enterprise memory at through the medium of versus me countrymen but runny actuality hold analyses,thereby set homologous countermeasure for set but AND brain drain 'notion,in turn raises account research brain drain' meaning ubiety for for through the medium of versus me state charred did civic check more analyst but runny cause ubiety up. then,aim at me countrymen but runny actuality cum cause,every-way embark head for set,mostly set seven dotted pair plan for at rest. in conclusion,go further and say Ming 21 century talent.


