

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



在前人研究的基础上,本文将从英文新闻标题的修辞特点出发,以新闻标题中常用的几种修辞手法为切入点,分析英语新闻标题中的修辞特色和作用。本文大致分为两部分。首先,从理论上介绍新闻标题的内涵和功能; 接着,通过大量例证,重点分析比喻、音韵、引用以及其他修辞在新闻标题中的作用。例如比喻可以使事件形象化、具体化,使事物变得易懂,使人容易接受;音韵可以使标题读来朗朗上口,使读者加深印象;而引用则是对其他作品进行借用,以达到调侃、嘲讽、游戏的目的。另外,仿拟、重复、双关等也都是新闻标题中普遍使用的修辞手法,从而使英语新闻标题表现出特殊的效果。

关键词:英语新闻标题  比喻修辞 音韵修辞 引用修辞

On the basis of previous research, this thesis will interpret characteristics and function of English news headline from the perspective of rhetorical techniques and with an emphasis on some commonly applied rhetoric. This thesis can be generally divided into two parts. First, it will introduce the meanings and function of English news headline from the theoretical angle; secondly, by means of exemplification, it will dwell on figure of speech, phonetic rhetoric, quotation and many other kinds of rhetorical techniques, such as parody, pun and repetition, so as to figure out the particular function of English news headline. For example, figure of speech can make things vivid, specific, easily understood and acceptable; phonetic rhetoric will impress the reader with its rhythmical quality; while quotation usually aims to play a joke, satirize or make fun by quoting from other works. Other rhetorical techniques, such as parody, pun and repetition, are also frequently used in English news headline to achieve some kind of special effect.

Keywords: English news headline  figure of speech  phonetic rhetoric  quotation

