

全文字数:3500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



 概率论是专门研究随机性或不确定性等现象的一门数学学科。更精确地说,机率论是用来模拟实验在同一环境下会产生不同结果的情状。 概率论作为数学的一个分支,它是研究随机现象数量规律作为研究对象。数学分析是概率论的基础,反过来如何将概率论知识运用到数学分析中,是一个非常值得探讨的问题。本文将从多个方面阐述用概率论中的一些知识和方法解决数学分析中的一些问题,并进而揭示概率论与数学分析知识间的相互联系。
关键词:概率论; 概率模型;极限;积分;级数

Abstract: Probability theory dedicated to the study of the phenomenon of randomness or uncertainty a mathematics. More precisely, probability theory is used simulation will produce different results in the same environment of situation. Probability theory as a branch of mathematics, it is the study of the law of the number of random phenomena as the research object.The mathematical analysis is the basis of probability theory, in turn, how to probability theory knowledge to mathematical analysis, it is a question worth exploring. This paper will elaborate some of the knowledge and methods in probability theory to solve some of the problems of mathematical analysis and reveal the linkages between the knowledge of probability theory and mathematical analysis. .

Keywords:Probability theory; probability model; limits; integration; series    

