

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



家庭是组成社会的细胞,每个人首先应当归属于某个家庭,然后才属于某个社会组织。因此,家庭是组成任何社会最重要的单位。由于中西方文化的差异, 中西家庭文化也存在着差异,这主要表现在家庭观念、家庭成员之间的关系上,本文就从这些方面来分析中西方的家庭文化。希望通过对中西家庭文化的交融来给我们正在建设的和谐社会某些启示。
家庭在人的一生中起着非常重要的作用 但由于每个国家的历史传统和社会文化背景的不同,文化的差异在家庭交流过程中同样也存在巨大的差异。了解和分析家庭交流过程中的中西文化差异,学习和研究中西文化差异在家庭交流中的各种体现.有助于我们在家庭交流方面取长补短.促进家庭教育的不断完善.培养出更多的有用之才。

关键词:传统文化;家庭教育;中西教育; 跨文化交际
On Differences between Chinese and Western Family Education Values from the Perspective of Cross-Cultural Communication 
Abstract: Family is the oldest and the most important part in the human society. In any country, family is an important social unit, and family also has an important influence and effect on the relationships between people and the relationship between people and the society, which can not be ignored. Due to different cultural traditions and values, the eastern and western nations show many differences in family values.
    Education as an important part of culture is linked to the formation and development of the whole human culture. At the same time, education is also a cultural phenomenon. Different education reflects the different social and cultural connotations, and regional differences and cultural differences. So it creates the different education forms .And the different education concept between China and the west cultivate people with different values and world views.
Family is the cell of society, and different families in China and the west have different lifestyles and value orientation. Family education has an impact of the children's growth and development in the process of family interaction, but also the most important aspects in all educational aspects. Due to many differences between culture, economy, family environment, and education ,they create differences between the Chinese and Western family education. Correct understanding of the differences between China and the west has a very important role in the guidelines to promote China's contemporary family education.
The family plays a very important role in a person's life. However, due to the differences of each country's historical traditions and social cultural background, huge differences exit in culture in family communication process. The article has analyzed the cultural differences in family communication. Understanding and analysis of cultural differences in the process of family communication, learning the cultural differences which are reflect in the variety of home exchange will help us learn better in the family communication, improve the family education and thus bring up more talented persons.

Keywords: Traditional Culture; Family Education; Education between China and the West; Cross-cultural Communication

