

全文字数:5000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




关键词: 课堂提问;外语教学;提问技巧
Classroom questioning is one of the most common strategies in teaching, and it is also the basic of successful teaching. Effective questions can activate students’ imaginations, rouse students’ thoughts, and encourage their activities. In foreign language teaching, teacher’s questions play a very important role in students’ second language acquisition. So how to make classroom questioning techniques in learning foreign language better has been the focus of research for many years. When questioning students, teachers should pay attention to “what to ask”, “when to ask”, “how to ask”, “what kind of feedback should be given to students”, etc. In this paper, a series of questioning techniques are put forward to help teachers solve these problems, and achieve the effectiveness of classroom questioning.

Keywords:  classroom questioning  foreign language teaching  questioning techniques

