

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



1993年,托尼﹒莫里森被授予诺贝尔文学奖,成为第一位获此殊荣的非裔美国女作家。她所有的小说都显现了黑人及黑人的生活。她的小说由于从精神层面探讨人类生活而具有普遍的现实意义。她的第五部小说《宠儿》是她的不朽杰作。在《宠儿》中,莫里森大胆地运用了很多意象和象征主义的表现方式。象征主义是100多年来西方现代派文学中产生最早、影响最大、波及面最广的一个现代派文学流派。 这篇论文通过对各个意象的剖析,揭示了小说的主旨。宠儿、丹芙、塞斯、贝比的人名字反映了她们各自的命运;对数字,颜色,房间以及书中各种树意象的描写来突出主旨——白人文化价值观对黑人文化的挤压和渗透,揭示了罪恶奴隶制的无穷贻害及过去对现实的冲击。

关键词:  象征主义;  意象;  奴隶制;  黑人文化

In 1993,Toni Morrison was awarded Nobel Prize in Literature, and she became the first African American woman to receive it. All her novels deal with African American characters and communities. Exploring the entire cycle of human life in a spiritual context. And her fifth novel Beloved is her masterpiece. In the book, Toni Morrison used a lot of images and symbols. Symbolism is the earliest, the most influerent and the most wide western literature school during more than 100 years. This thesis is focused on analyzing the symbols used in the work and how these symbols help to express the theme. The names of Beloved, Denver, Sethe and Baby reflect their own fates, and the symbolic meanings of numbers, colors, houses and trees in the book display the theme ---cultural value of the white people squeezes and permeates that of the black people, and the ongoing legacy of evil slavery, as well as the past's impact on the present.

Key Words:  symbolism;  image;  slavery;  the blacks’ culture

