

全文字数:7500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



  关联理论是由 Dan Sperber和Deirdre Wilson在对Grice提出的合作原则进行修订的基础上发展而来的,为翻译研究提供了又一崭新视角。其关注的核心问题是交际与认知,强调认知语境在推导说话者交际意图中起到重要的作用。关联理论把翻译看作是一个认知推理的交际过程,合理的阐释了翻译过程中源语作者的意图,译文读者的认知语境和译者的翻译策略等方面的问题, 其对翻译具有强大的解释力。

The Relevance Theory is developed by Dan Sperber and Deirde Wilson on the revision of Grice ’s Cooperative Principle, and provides a brand new perspective for translation research. It is the most predominate pragmatic theory in the academic field these years, the key point of which is cognition and communication. And it emphasizes the significant role the cognitive environment plays in finding speakers’ communicative purposes. It considers translation as an ostensive-inferential process and reasonably explains the questions such as the intention of the author, the cognitive environment of the target reader and the strategy taken by the translator, which has a great explanatory over translation.
This thesis will first discuss definitions, characteristics and significance of the Relevance Theory and kinship terms in the light of linguistics and translatology. And then the differences and the reasons that cause the differences in Chinese-English translation of kinship terms will be analyzed from the perspective of the relevance theory. Last, in order to solve the problems about cultural default, some feasible translation modes, such as generalization, simplification, amplification, reduction, conversion and paraphrase, will be listed with concrete examples in literature, to achieve successful communication.
Key words: relevance theory, kinship terms, translation methods

