

全文字数:7500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



随着中国国际影响力日益增加以及世界对中国发展关注度的提高, 中外之间的交流也日益频繁。新闻对人们了解外面的世界有着至关重要的作用,它不仅丰富了我们的知识,更新我们的了解,也增加了我们的快乐。为了竞争人们的时间的分配,报纸高度重视新闻标题。

关键词: 英语新闻标题   修辞手法   翻译理论   翻译策略  
Rhetorical Appreciation and Translation of English News Headlines

With the increasing influence of China on the world, the communication between China and foreign countries become more frequent. The international news reaches the people everyday via various media. News is a vital means for people to know the outside world. It enriches our knowledge, renews our understanding and adds to our delight. To compete for a share of people’s time, newspapers attach great importance to news headlines.
 As headline is the “soul” and fundamental part of any news, special efforts should be made to make it fascinating and appealing. Therefore, when headlines are composed, various rhetorical devices have been employed to arrest readers’ attention. On the basis of that, the paper introduces some translation theories and strategies for readers to better understand English news headlines.

Key Words: English News Headlines,   Rhetorical Devices,   Translation Theories,    Translation Strategies 

