

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



《瓦尔登湖》(Walden)是美国著名作家亨利•大卫•梭罗(Henry David Thoreau)的代表作,记录了他于1845至1847年在康科德附近的瓦尔登湖畔度过的一段隐居生活。作为 19 世纪美国著名的超验主义作家,梭罗的这部作品中,对自然的描写处处渗透着一种深层生态学思想。梭罗多次在文中质疑人类对自然的统治权利。他平等地看待自然中的每一个生命。人类作为自然中能动性最强的存在物,应该主动担当起改善生态环境的责任,保护包括自己的物种在内的每种生物,而不是滥用对自然进行改造的能力。人与自然应该和谐相处。在全球气候不断变暖,环境污染日益严重的语境下,人与自然的关联也越来越远,从生态学角度解读梭罗在瓦尔登湖畔的低碳生活,为人们寻求一种更为健康向上的精神生活等方面提供了一种新的思维方式和行动原则。对当今人们反思自己生态价值观、调整自己生活方式,从而逐步改善生态环境具有重要的启示意义。

The Low Carbon Life of Thoreau: Reading Walden from the View of Ecology
Abstract: Walden is a masterpiece of the famous American writer Henry David Thoreau. As the famous American Transcendentalist writer in 19th century, Henry David Thoreau’s description of nature is permeated with the deep ecological view in this work. Thoreau queried several times in his works who had given the right to mankind to rule the nature. He believed that all creatures are equal. Human, who exists in the nature with the strongest initiative, should take on the responsibility to improve the ecological environment and to protect every creature including ourselves rather than abusing the natural ability to transform the nature. It reflected the significance of protecting our nature and it became the symbol of chasing the dreams and being in harmony with nature. In the context of global warming and environmental pollution, the interpretation of Thoreau’s Low-carbon lifestyle beside Walden Pond from the perspective of ecology will give great inspiration to today’s people, reflecting their ecological values, adjusting their lifestyles and gradually improving the ecological environment.

Keywords: Walden;ecological interpretation; ecological values;Thoreau’s low-carbon life;reflection

