

全文字数:11000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


自信是人的自我意识的重要组成部分, 是良好心理素质的一种重要品质。本文以杭州滨江区某学校小学生为调查对象,采用罗森博格和父母不同教养方式问卷对儿童自信程度以及父母的鼓励或惩罚的教养方式进行调查,分析两者之间的关系。调查结果显示,父母过分的批评或鼓励会造成儿童自信的缺失或膨胀;父母采用批评与鼓励相结合的教养方式对儿童自信的建立有积极的影响。为了培养儿童良好的自信心,父母应该采用批评与鼓励相结合的教养方式,并根据儿童不同的自信程度采取相应的教育态度和措施。
Self-confidence is an important part of self-awareness of people, is an important quality in a good psychological quality. Hangzhou Binjiang Area school pupils surveyed, Rosenberg  and parents Different Style questionnaire to investigate the Childers's level of self-confidence, and parenting, to analyze the relationship between the two. The survey results show that parents over-criticism or to encourage cause missing or expansion of Childers's self-confidence; parents with criticism and encourage a combination of parenting styles have a positive impact on the establishment of Childers's self-confidence. In order to develop Childers's self-confidence parents should use criticism and encourage a combination of upbringing, education attitude and measures taken according to the degree of confidence in children.
     关键词:儿童; 自信; 批评; 鼓励
Keywords:  Children;  self-confidence;  criticism;  encourage

