

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


闲暇是个体获得健康成长和发展的需要,是人们生活的重要组成部分。本文对xx市400名学生进行了抽样调查研究,结果发现目前小学生闲暇生活存在着若干问题:闲暇时间虽充裕但是学业负担依旧很沉重;小学生对于闲暇时间的管理能力和自主支配水平不够;闲暇活动单一,闲暇场所不足;学生对于闲暇生活的满意度不高。本文对此问题进行了归因分析并提出了建议和对策。要提高小学生闲暇生活质量需要社会、家庭、学校共同做出努力。AbstractThe leisure individual needs for healthy gro

The leisure individual needs for healthy growth and development is an important part of people's lives. Sample survey of 400 students in Hangzhou, and found Pupils' leisure life there are a number of issues: leisure time is sufficient, but still very heavy academic burden; Pupils' leisure time management ability and level of autonomic innervation is not enough; leisure activities is single, leisure venues; the students leisure life satisfaction is not high. This Article does attribution analysis and put forward suggestions and countermeasures. To improve the quality of life of primary school leisure in need of social, family, school to make joint efforts.


Keywords:Hangzhou; primary; leisure life; quality

