

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



 司各特•菲茨杰拉尔德(F. Scott Fitzgerald)是二十世纪二十年代最具代表性的美国作家之一。由于他的作品真实而生动的描述了这一时期的美国风貌,因而被誉为“爵士时代的桂冠诗人”。“美国梦”有着悠久的历史渊源,它是美国大觉醒运动中孕育出来的一种美国式的民主理想。美国梦作为美国理想、美国神话和美国精神,伴随着整个美利坚民族文学的发展,具有悠久的历史和丰富的内涵。

    F. Scott Fitzgerald is one of the most representative writers of the 1920s. His vivid description of the American society in his age wins him the title of “the Poet Laureate of the Jazz Age.” The "American dream" has a long history, and it is a democratic ideal that conceived in the Great Awakening movement in the United States. With the development of the whole American national literature, the American dream as the ideal, the myth and the American spirit, has a long history and rich connotations. The great man Benjamin Franklin is the myth of the American dream in history. Fitzgerald deeply felt the spiritual emptiness and moral decadence under the superficial splendor and prosperity in that age and portrayed the overall picture of the society vividly. In his works, he unmasks the hypocrisy and emptiness of America in the 1920s under the superficial uproar and vanity, and examines an entire generation’s search for the elusive American dream of wealth and happiness and scrutinizes the consequences of the generation’s adherence to false values. Many characters in his works, like the author himself, pursue a life of luxury and dissipation, dreaming of realizing their own ideals, but their dreams are inevitably smashed by the relentless reality. Tender Is the Night is F. Scott Fitzgerald’s forth long novel about a youth who is poor but talented, how to pursue his colorful dream and how to fail then became depressed and decadent.
    The hero of Tender Is the Night Dick wanted to enter the upper class by his own effort. He seemed Nicole as the embodiment of the American dream. He was a psychological doctor, he silently dedicated more than ten years to cure his wife the mad Nicole, but Nicole had left him after recovered self-consciousness, Dick went back to his hometown as a doctor with a tired body and mind quietly. Dick was abandoned by the upper class. So Dick’s American dream also failed in the end. This thesis is divided into three parts to discuss. The first part is to discuss Dick’ American dream, the second is to analyze the reason of disillusionment of his dream, and the last part is to reveal the revelation that the disillusionment of the American dream brings to us.

Key words: American dream; ideal; disillusionment; revelation


