

全文字数:5500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



随着中国经济的迅猛发展,我们能够获得对外贸易的机会越来越多。人们的商业观随着时代不断地向前发展。成功的对外贸易谈判能够得到很好的经济效益跟社会效益, 众所周知,外贸谈判英语在全球的经济贸易谈判中具有举足轻重的作用,作为一种基本的交流手段,对外谈判英语是打开外贸市场的很重要的条件。英语总是被认作国际交流的工具,交易技巧是每个想在国际交易中获得成功的人的必修课,因此,学习外贸谈判英语的热情被激发起来了。对于我们年青一代来说,掌握外贸谈判跟外贸谈判英语的知识显得十分重要。

The Language Features of ForeignTrade Negotiation English

Abstract: With the development of Chinese economy, we can get more and more opportunities to do business with foreign counterparts. People's ideas about business vary with the times. The successful foreign trade negotiation can create great economic and social effect. We all know that the foreign trade negotiation English plays a vital role in the International business activities. As an essential means of communication, foreign trade negotiation English is an important way to open trade to the international market. English usually serves as international communication tool, and negotiation skills are a must for anyone who intends to carry out successful negotiations in the world market. Therefore, the attention has been aroused to the study of the characteristics of foreign trade negotiation English. To our younger generation, grasping the knowledge of foreign trade negotiation and negotiation English is quite important。
Foreign trade negotiation English has its own language characteristic. This paper will expound the definition of foreign trade negotiation and foreign trade negotiation English, then people can understand foreign trade negotiation English well. The paper will emphasize on the analysis of the characteristics of English negotiation in foreign trade. There are many mistakes in the application of foreign trade negotiation English; this paper provides some important suggestions for negotiators to help us learn the English expression in foreign trade negotiations. As a kind of international language, how to use English accurately is very important. Especially in the process of foreign trade negotiation, accurate expression is one of the most important things in foreign trade negotiation. This paper can tell the right ways to use English accurately in foreign trade negotiation and help people get flexible skills for foreign trade.

Key words: foreign trade negotiation English; language characteristics; application; language skills

