

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



隐喻不仅仅是一种语言修辞手段,更是一种思维方式和认知方式。“隐喻无处不在,人类的整个概念系统都是建立在隐喻基础之上的”( Lakoff&Johnson1980:3)。时间是一种非常抽象的概念,其认知通常必须借助隐喻,即通过人们熟悉的、具体的思想或概念去理解和表达复杂的、抽象的或不那么确定的概念。
关键词:对比, 时间概念隐喻, 认知

Metaphor is not only a rhetoric device but a way for thinking and cognition. "It (metaphor) is pervasive in everyday life, not just in language, but also in thought and action. Our ordinary conceptual system, in terms of which we both think and act, is fundamentally metaphorical in nature.”(Lakoff&Johnson1980:3) Time is abstract and intangible concept, so we must comprehend it by the projection or mapping of concepts from relatively familiar and concrete domains onto it.
The present thesis attempts to further cross-cultural studies in cognitive linguistics by giving a comparison of time conceptual metaphor in English and Chinese. On one hand, it is found that in both Chinese and English, there are universal models for time, for instance, time is moving entities, time is valuable things, time is changer. On the other hand, there are also differences of time conceptual metaphors in these two languages. On the horizontal axis, the "front" refers to the "future" and the "back" the past in English; while in Chinese,“前”,besides denoting the "future", sometimes refers to the "past", and“后”,besides denoting the "past", sometimes refers to the "future", as in the examples like“前天”,“后天”. On the vertical axis, "up" refers to "past" or "future", and "down" refers to "future" or "past" in English; while in Chinese,“上”refers to "past", and“下”refers to  "future". Cognitive linguistics believes that these similarities and differences can be explained by cognitive universality and cultural relativity. 
 The present thesis is an attempt to make a relatively complete and detailed study on time conceptual metaphors between English and Chinese, from the cognitive perspective instead of the traditional view of metaphor, which reinforces and develops some theories of the contemporary metaphor. This study sheds new light on understanding the relation between metaphor and culture, as well as metaphor and thought, which will be significant for understanding the process of human cognition.
Key words: comparison, time conceptual metaphor, cognition

