
“Let’s Chant”与小学生英语口语能力培养的关系

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


浅谈“Let’s Chant”与小学生英语口语能力培养的关系

本文分为五大部分,第一部分是引言,是对整篇论文的概述。第二部分则我国小学英语口语教学现状与分析。第三部分主要是“Let’s Chant”的介绍,包括它的定义、发展以及类型,并分析它在英语口语教学中的运用以及作用。第四部分是课堂教学案例分析。第五部分是对全文的总结。
本文目的是通过对“Let’s Chant”的研究和教学案例分析以及教学实践,从学生情感角度以及以学习者为中心的方法,探讨如何提高小学生的口语能力,并提出合理建议。

On Relationship between “Let’s Chant” and Development of Pupils’ English Oral Ability
Abstract: Over the years, in our country,there are many misconceptions in English teaching. English education of the focus has been in the practice of sentence types, grammatical items and the interpretation of expression of written English. Many students learned the "mute English", they only can write but can’t express. And songs and ballads more has always been a neglected in foreign language teaching in China. Most of the students are learning English for a few years , actually cannot completely sing an English song. Songs are just as written materials for students to study for best. Foreign language teaching should use songs, ballads as the material and how to use, people used to be a controversial problem in long term. In recent years, with the additional acquisition theory research and exploration, more and more linguists and foreign language teachers begin to realize, songs, ballads have an irreplaceable auxiliary function on children.
This paper is divided into 5 parts, the first one is the introduction, which is the overview of the whole paper, the second part describes the definition,development and the kinds  of Chant.The third part is the presentation of "Let's Chant", including its definition, development and the functions of chant, then analyze it in Spoken English Teaching and effect. The fourth part is mainly classroom case studies. The last part makes out the summary.
So this paper aims to research the analysis of the "Let's Chant" and teaching case studies and teaching practice, then from the perspective of students' emotions and learner-centered approach to explore how to improve the students' oral English, and put forward reasonable proposals.

Key words:  Primary school English; Oral English; Let’s Chant; Teaching in class; Function; Major problems and factors


