

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



The teaching of reading is the top priority of English teaching and reading is a basic ability to learn a language. It is the foundation of mastering a language as well as a main tool to obtain information. Teachers’ questioning is a major form of reading teaching and one of the main ways to enhance students’ reading skills. In English class, teachers’ questioning is to a great extent determines the qualities of the classroom teaching. However, teachers’ questioning strategies in reading teaching at present still have problems, many of which are not effective. The paper states the effective application of questioning strategies and analyses some existing problems of questioning in today’ senior English class. The purpose of this paper is to find effective ways to optimize the English reading teaching questioning behaviors in order to effectively improve senior English reading classroom teaching efficiency.
Key Words:  Senior English; reading teaching; questioning strategies

摘要:阅读教学是英语教学的重中之重, 英语阅读也是学习一门语言必备的技能,它是掌握语言的基础,也是获取信息的重要手段。而在英语课堂教学中教师的提问策略是阅读教学的主要方法,对引导学生如何进行有效阅读起着至关重要的作用。它在很大程度上决定着教学质量的好坏。然而,现在英语课堂上的提问技能存在种种问题,很多问题的有效性不高。本文通过对高中英语阅读教学中教师提问行为存在的问题进行分析,并进一步探索英语教师在提问中应采取的策略和技巧,以期找到优化英语课堂行为的有效途径,调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,切实提高高中英语阅读课堂教学效率。
关键词:高中英语; 阅读教学; 提问策略

