

全文字数:4000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


试论提高中学生英语听力的方法In Englis teachig, the wakness fr stuents' listning manly deend on to aspcts, one is frm the stuent, and the oter is from the techers. Several specfic probem exist in te students listning compreension, such as: basic lanuage probems, the lak of cultural backrounds understnding, mother tonue interference, litening hbits, psycology factor, and logic barier. For these prolems , there ae seeral suggetions for trining good listenig skill, py more attntion to pasing on the kowledge of lanuage or stuents , creae lve and viid listenig atmoshere , gt rd of te moher togue interfrence , do ore prctice with viual and auio tols, strenthen listeing teacing in clsses, to prvide stdents wth moe opportunities ater schol. As log as accmplish te job mntion aboe one cn imrove hs or her listeing contiuous.
Key words improve, the high school student, listening
摘要:在英语教学中,学生听力的缺点主要取决于两点,一方面在与学生,另一方面在于教师。一些特殊的问题存在于学生理解力,例如: 基本语言能力问题,缺乏背景知识的了解,母语的影响,听力能力,心理因素和逻辑障碍。对于这些问题,这里有一些针对训练好听力的方法,更多的关注学生的语言知识,创造生动形象的倾听气氛,解决母语障碍,用多种工具来进行训练,强化课堂听力教学,课后给学生提供更多的机会。只要完成上述任务,学生的听力均可持续进步。

