

全文字数:4000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



很明显,谈判离不开语言,语言是谈判的媒介。总之,谈判双方需要遵守合作原则;然而在真实的谈判过程中谈判者并非一直遵守此原则。在很多情况下, 对于合作原则的故意偏离能够对给谈判带来积极效果。通过对合作原则偏离现象的文献的总结和分析,笔者发现对于合作原则的偏离主要体现在对质量准则,数量准则,关联准则和方式准则的偏离上,在此基础上笔者对如何掌握合作原则偏离给出了一些建议,希望能对商务谈判做出一点贡献。

A Pragmatic Analysis on Deviation from Cooperative Principle in Business Negotiation


Since China entered WTO, the international trade becomes rather important, and the language, especially English as a communication tool, plays an indispensable role in business, particularly in business negotiation. In business negotiation, the two sides are both collaborators and competitors. Because of the interests of each side, conflicts and disputes cannot be avoided. So how to maximize the benefits under the premise of maintaining the cooperative relations becomes the core of the business negotiation.
It is obvious that “negotiation” cannot stay without language, and language is medium of business. In general, the two sides need to comply with Cooperative Principle; however, in the real negotiation progress, negotiators are not following the principles all the time. Most of all, the deviation from Cooperative Principle happens in order to achieve positive effects in business negotiation. By summarizing and analyzing the phenomenon of deviation from Cooperative Principle, the author finds that this deviation is mainly about the deviation of the four pragmatic maxims (quality, quantity, relation and manner). Meanwhile, the author proposes some suggestions on handling the deviation, hoping to contribute to business negotiation.

Key words: deviation; Cooperative Principle; business negotiation; pragmatic maxim

