

全文字数:5000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




商务谈判受许多因素的制约,但笔者认为还有一些普遍适用的语用策略来运用到商务谈判中。在Leech的礼貌原则和Brown & Levinson的面子观的理论基础上,本文作者发现委婉语,模糊语和幽默语言在商务谈判情景中作为语用策略在起作用。通过对实际谈判对话的列举、分类和分析,本文认为这些普遍适用的语用策略将对商务谈判的成功起着重大的作用。

An Analysis on Pragmatic Strategies in Business Negotiation Context


As the most widely used international language in today’s international society, English is of great significance in international business activities. To achieve the economic objectives as well as to clarify correlative rights and obligations, both parties involved in the business activities have to negotiate. As language is a tool of interpersonal communication, the use of language plays a significant role in determining their outcomes during business negotiation.
Although business negotiations are affected by many factors, the author of this thesis proposes that some general-applicable pragmatic strategies should be applied in business negotiations. Based on Leech’s Politeness Principle and Brown & Levinson’s Face Theory, the author finds that the actual applications of euphemism, hedges and humorous language function as general pragmatic strategies in business negotiations. By listing, categorizing and analyzing business conversations from the actual negotiation context, the author concludes that general pragmatic strategies will contribute to the successful interpersonal business negotiations.

Key words: business negotiation; pragmatic strategies; Politeness Principle; the Face Theory

