

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




Wuthering Heights was written by Emily Bronte in 1849. It was not taken in, even seriously deprecated by the temporized critics in that time. Following with people’s interest about the topic of human nature, the attitudes of reviews changed dramatically within a century. The originality of the work was received by others and never looked back from the point of that time. The literature and artistic achievements of it was rising deeply which made Emily hold some honor and praise. She explored human nature with sharp-sighted eyes. In her novel, Heathcliff was independent, long-suffering the nature and looking forward the freedom. Meanwhile he was suffered with a series of hit and difficulties during he was running after the love. Affected by the reality, he deviated from natural humanity step by step and distorted in the end. The essence of human nature by Heathcliff’s complex character is full of kindness and wickedness .Withering Heights is not only filled with revolted spirit but also shrouded a super-real style of fantasticalness and nervousness. It has some horrible coloring of gothic literature, while, depart from the terror you will deeply touched by the hero’ spirit.

Key words: literary criticism; human nature; revolted spirit; gothic literature 

