

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


“官本位”现象是在中国几千年封建社会的漫长历程中逐步沉积下来的一种官贵民轻的社会群体现象。虽然当代中国政府在采取各种措施来铲除官本位现象,但当代中国的政治生活中官本位现象还非常普遍。在政府部门的现象尤为突出,主要表现在:官僚主义作风严重,为民观念淡薄,宗旨意识淡化;做官升官,提高地位,崇官拜权主义滋长;不注重民心工程,而重视形象工程 ,形式主义作风泛滥。官本位严重影响了中国特色社会主义建设进程,对中国共产党的执政地位形成一定的威胁。要发展社会主义民主政治,推进社会主义政治文明,就必须破除官本位现象。官本位现象的存在有其深刻的历史、文化、经济、政治和社会原因,其危害也表现在方方面面。因此,要彻底根除这一祸害,必须要从加强干部教育,使其树立公仆意识;有效地监督权力的运作,防止权力异化;建立和完善控制机制,杜绝官员暴利的发生加快经济发展,铲除“官本位”产生的环境等方面着手。
关键词: 官本位;现象;原因;危害;防治
"Official standard" phenomenon in China for thousands of years of feudal society long journey gradually deposited a officer of your people light the phenomenon of social groups. Although the modern Chinese government has taken various measures to eradicate the phenomenon of official position, but the political life of contemporary Chinese official standard is still very common phenomenon. In the government sector is most pronounced, mainly reflected in: bureaucracy serious, the people a sense of purpose of consciousness has been diluted; official promotion or advancement, Chong Guan thanks to the growth of the right doctrine; do not pay attention to the people the works, and attach importance to the image of engineering, formalistic style flooding. Official standard is a serious impact on the process of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Chinese Communist Party's ruling position a certain threat. To develop socialist democracy, and promote socialist political civilization, we must break the phenomenon of official position. Officer based phenomenon exists at a profound historical, cultural, economic, political and social reasons, but also in all aspects of the harm. Therefore, to the complete eradication of this scourge, we must begin with the promotion of cadres of education, to foster a sense of public service; to effectively monitor the operation of the power to prevent the power of alienation; establish and improve the control mechanisms, to prevent the occurrence of profiteering officials to speed up economic development, eradication " bureaucracy-oriented "environment created aspects.
Key words: official standard system; phenomenon; reason; damage; manage

