

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




A Study on Learning Attitudes of Non-English Majors—Taking China Jiliang University as An Example
Abstract: English as an official language has gradually integrated into our daily life. For college students, English has become an important criterion to judge their comprehensive quality. As a contemporary college student, mastering English skills and applying English to daily life is a requirement of social development and also the development direction of higher education. Non-English major students' English learning has always been a headache for both teachers and students, so how to improve the efficiency of English learning of non-English majors also has always been the hot topic of schools and teachers. Therefore, carry out a research and have a clear understanding of the learning attitude of non-English majors is of great significance to improve college students' English learning. In this paper, 226 non-English major students in Chinese Jiliang university was involved in this questionnaire survey, this questionnaire referring to the students' interest for English learning, students’ understanding of the English national customs and their views of current English teaching system, etc. after that data analysis is carried out and find that most of the students think of English learning interesting and to realize the importance of learning English. At the same time, there are some problems need to be solved and then some corresponding Suggestions are proposed.
This paper is divided into five parts. The first section of the thesis begins with introduction, introducing the research background and current situation of English teaching and learning. The second part introduces the different definitions of the attitude and how the attitude influences English learning. The third part gives an introduction about the research method and the result of this research. The fourth part provides some suggestions according to these problems. The last section draws a conclusion,including the main point of this paper, the limitation of this paper and the suggestion for future research. 
Key words: English learning, attitude, survey, analysis, suggestion 

