

全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


《毕司沃斯先生的房子》是奈保尔的代表作之一,已被纳入20世纪百佳英语小说之列,人们将其视为一部开创性的后殖民文本。这部现实主义作品,以主人公毕司沃斯先生的人生经历为主线,通过这个悲喜剧人物的塑造,反映出后殖民社会人们痛苦与绝望的精神处境,以及对自我独立身份的追求和独立的强烈愿望。这集中体现在处于社会边缘的毕司沃斯先生穷尽一生对一座属于自己的房子不懈追求上。因此,本文主要采用文本分析和文献研究的方法,全文通过对《毕司沃斯先的房子》中的关键意象“房子”的象征意义的分析,有利于深入了解“房子”对毕司沃斯先生的重要意义,同时更深刻地理解作品中后殖民时代下人们对个人独立和文化身份的追求的这一主题。同时通过本文对“房子”的解析将有利于我们进一步了解 “寄居”在大中城市的流动人民的精神世界。   
Abstract: A House for Mr. Biswas is one of the masterpieces of Naipaul, and it is taken as a seminal post-colonial text. It has been incorporated into the 20th century English novel of the column. The main line of this realistic works is the hero Mr. Biswas’s life experiences. Through shaping this tragicomedy character, reflecting the post-colonial society people suffering and desperate spiritual situation, as well as the pursuit of self-identity and independence of the independent strong desire. This focus is reflected in the margins of society, Mr. Biswas end his life on a house of their own relentless pursuit. Therefore, this paper mainly uses text analysis and literature research methods, through the symbolic meaning analysis of the "house" that key image of novel, in favor of in-depth understanding of the importance of "house" for Mr. Biswas and a deeper understanding of the works subject of the post-colonial era people to the pursuit of personal independence and cultural identity.
Keywords: post-colonialism; house; symbolism; cultural identity

