

全文字数:8000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年






Pu Songling created a lot of female characters that are different in personalities in the novel called Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio. In the novel, it is tough girls that attract readers most. There are sharp contrasts between tough girls and Chinese traditional women. These wo-men dare to break the rank of feudal ideologies existing in China and fight for their loves. They have gentle feelings and chivalnus disposition but to fight like a man. They use their excellent abilities to manage a career. They make vigorous efforts to turn the situation and become the backbone of their homes. They use their abilities to prove the truth that women can be excellent as their male colleagues. The tough girls who have unique beauty in Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio gleam in the history of China.

Keywords: Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio; Pu Songling; Vulnerability;Doughty; Wo-man

目 录

一、大胆追求爱情上演“凰求凤”的女汉子 1
(一)大胆奔放的狐女阿绣 2
(二)刚强坚韧的鸦头 2
二、具有侠骨柔情敢于斗争的女汉子 3
(一)奇伟忠义的乔女 3
(二)侠柔并济的侠女 3
(三)智勇双全的商三官 4
三、富有经营智慧且发家致富的女汉子 4
(一)卖菊致富的黄英 4
(二)善于经营的小二 5
四、成为家中顶梁柱巾帼不让须眉的女汉子 6
(一)刚强霸气的仇大娘 6
(二)才华横溢的颜氏 6
五、《聊斋志异》中“女汉子”的形成原因 7
(一)现实原因 7
(二)文学原因 8
参考文献 9

