

全文字数:17000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



关键词: 金融危机;公允价值计量;会计准则;次贷危机
Research under the fair value of the financial crisis

Abstract:One reason for the outbreak of the financial crisis is resulting measurement method of accounting . Throughout the development process of the entire financial crisis, accounting plays the role of big waves . However, the economic crisis will cause several changes in accounting . So in a sense, change the outbreak of the financial crisis and accounting are complementary . This paper explores the relationship between the financial crisis of 2008 and the fair value accounting , including whether the fair value of the financial crisis caused by reflection under the impact of the financial crisis on fair value accounting crisis on accounting standards have been developed and put forward countermeasures in four areas content. This article describes the use of fair value accounting measures the advantages and disadvantages of in-depth analysis of fair value accounting and financial crisis existing relationships , so the correct assessment of the financial crisis . After a study of the two companies , with reference to various reference books, personally think that accounting is a past transaction or matter reflects the fact that the former , which is not reflected in the upside as economic activity is unlikely to reflect the accounting for business business and investment activities have the ability to take preventive measures , but only up to the ability to remedy the situation . The fair value of the financial crisis will not be the culprit , but the question of which exposed the accounting profession need our attention , and we need to adopt a positive attitude to correct .

KeyWords: financial crisis;measure at fair value;Accounting Standards;Subprime relationship

