

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


中国古代官僚贵族法律特权制度起源于先秦时期,发展于秦汉时期,成熟于隋唐,最终构成中国古代法律的基本特征。中国古代封建社会的发展较为稳定与长久,这就为特权思想的发展及演化提供了一个很好的土壤和空间,也因此伴随封建制度发展孕育而生的封建法典也因此有着鲜明的特色。自从汉代将儒家思想确定为正统的法律思想以后,我国古代社会便进入了“名正言顺”的维护官僚贵族法律特权的时代。我国古代官僚贵族法律特权虽历经千年的发展但主要内容却是围绕“八议”、“官当”、“上请”等制度展开,其所产生的原因以及对当今社会的影响是多方面的。所以, 贵族官僚在法律上享有一定的特权是封建法典的一个重要体现,出于维护封建统治中国古代的封建成文法典大都以刑法典的形式来体现,因此古代官僚贵族的特权在刑法中表现的尤为明显。
Theory of ancient bureaucratic nobles' legal privileges
    ABSTRACT:Ancient Chinese bureaucratic nobles legal privilege system originated in the pre-qin period, developed in Qin and Han dynasties, mature in sui and tang dynasties, eventually constitute the basic characteristics of ancient Chinese law. The development of ancient Chinese feudal society is relatively stable and lasting for privilege thought the development and evolution of space and provides a good soil, and along with the development of feudal system breeds of feudal code and therefore has a distinct characteristics. Since Han dynasty when Confucianism as the orthodox legal thought, the ancient Chinese society has entered the "justified" the maintenance of the bureaucratic aristocrat era of legal privilege. Ancient Chinese bureaucratic nobles legal privilege, though after one thousand years of development the main content is about, "eight" officer when "and" please "system, the reasons and influence on today's society is multi-dimensional. So, aristocratic bureaucrats in law enjoy certain privileges is an important embodiment of the feudal code, for maintaining the feudal rule in ancient China feudal written codes are mostly in the form of penal code to reflect, therefore the ancient bureaucrat nobleman's privilege performance especially in the criminal law.
    KEY WORDS:bureaucratic nobles;feudalism;legal privileges

