

全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



房地产上市公司是我国房地产业的代表, 其财务指标是评价公司的主要信息来源。近年来,我国房地产行业快速发展,已成为国民经济支柱产业之一,对经济发展起着越来越重要的作用。资金就是房地产企业生存的血液,是影响房地产企业发展的重要因素。目前,我国房地产企业普遍存在资产负债率偏高、融资渠道单一、负债结构欠合理等问题,使得房地产企业抵御市场风险能力较差,容易出现资金链紧张,影响企业长远发展。通过房地产行业财务数据的分析,及时反映情况,进行监督和预警,是一条可行的途径。

Study on Financial Indexes of listed Companies of the Real estate Industry
China listed real estate companies on behalf of the real estate industry, and the financial indicators are the main source of information to evaluate the company’s results. In recent years, the rapid development of China's real estate manufacturing, has become one of pillar industries in national economy, and it plays an increasingly important role the economy development. Money is the blood of the real estate business survival is the development of an important factor in the real estate business. At present, China's real estate business presents some problems. Such as the high assets-liabilities ratio; the single channel of financing; the unreasonable assets-liability structure and so on. This problem weakens the real estate to withstand market risks. Capital chain will be been into a tense situation, and the long-term development of company will be affected. With the analysis of Financial data which is from the real estate industry, reporting in time, monitoring and warning, is a feasible way.

Key words:Real Estate; Listed Companies; Financial Indexes



一、引言 1
二、中国房地产行业及上市公司概况 2
(一)我国房地产行业的情况概述 2
(二)房地产行业上市公司情况概述 2
三、房地产行业上市公司财务指标影响因素分析 4
(一)宏观因素 4
(二) 中观因素 6
(三)微观因素 6
四、房地产行业上市公司财务指标分析 8
(一)样本选择 8
(二)评价指标的选择和数据的获取 8
(三)研究模型的构建 8
五、案例分析 13
(一)房地产上市公司的横向比较 13
(二)房地产上市公司的纵向比较 14
六、房地产市场未来展望 18
(一)房地产调控不会放松,短期风险加剧 18
(二)市场分化明显,新机会不断显现 18
参考文献 19
致谢 20


