

全文字数:13000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



如今的社会,人们往往通过破坏环境来推进经济的疾速前进,这样的破坏不仅危害的范围大而且在较短的时间内是很难恢复的。环境责任保险在净化环境侵害,企业维护环境的认识亟待提高的背景下产生。该报险还被叫作“绿色保险”,它是一种以被保险人因对环境酿成侵害等侵权行为而应承当的侵害补偿和整治处理职责为标的的责任保险制度。该保险的根底是责任保险,该保险由环境法律制度和侵权民事责任法律制度相联合而产生 。环境责任保险从之前的存身于部分侵害者对遭受侵害者的个人的侵害补偿,变化为对遭受侵害者的社会的侵害承担。本文分为五个部分:首先,对环境责任保险的一个概述,包括其概念、类别、特性,分解辨析了该保险产生和发展的原因,并论述了建立该保险轨制的意旨;然后提出了该保险的理论框架,分解辨析了该保险的理论根底;第三章阐述了我国开展该保险的发展近况;第四章着重分解辨析了我国现有的该保险轨制具有的问题及源因;最后,提出了完备改善我国该保险轨制的初步倡议。



In today's society, the rapid economic development is often at the expense of environmental damage, large range of hazards and difficult to recover. In order to control environmental pollution, improve the awareness of environmental protection, environmental liability insurance is generated.Environmental liability insurance, also known as "green insurance", it is a kind of liability insurance system ,the insured person due to pollution of the environment and other acts of infringement should bear the responsibility for damage and governance as the subject. Environmental liability insurance is based on liability insurance, which is the product of the combination of environmental legal system and tort legal system. It is based on the fact that individual polluters are compensated for private damage to victims of pollution and are converted into social damage to victims of pollution.This paper is divided into five parts:Firstly, an overview of environmental liability insurance, including its concept, category and characteristics, analyzes the causes of environmental liability insurance and the development of environmental liability insurance, and discusses the significance of establishing environmental liability insurance system;And then put forward the theoretical framework of environmental liability insurance, analyzed the theoretical basis of environmental liability insurance;The third chapter expounds the development of environmental liability insurance in China;The fourth chapter focuses on the existing problems and reasons of the existing problems;Finally, the author puts forward some preliminary suggestions to perfect the environmental liability insurance system.

Key words:Environmental Pollution; Liability Insurance; Environmental Liability Insurance

