

全文字数:7000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年





Fan Yi is one of the most distinctive character as Mr. Cao Yu portrayed in Thunderstorm,becomes one of unique personality image in China literary history by many readers,Fan yi was grown in the feudal family and received modern education.Facing the tasteless life,she has the spirit of resistance;facing the love,she dare to love and hate;Facing family,she is selfish;But she is not lacking of goodness humanity.Fan Yi's thunderstorm type of character, and the manipulation of the play, hold every person in the drama.In this paper, through the view of live,love,family affection and the rival in love to analyze the characters of the thunderstorm from the contemporary society of Fan yi.

Keywords:Thunderstorm;Cao Yu; Fan Yi;Revolt;Dare to love and hate;Selfish
目 录
一、反抗与屈从的矛盾体 1
二、蔑视观念、反叛精神 2
三、自私 4
四、人性中的“善” 6
结  语 7
参考文献 8

