

全文字数:7000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




关键词:  纵横外交  秦国; 影响


Foreign policy choices occupies an important component in the direction of the development of country. In the middle and later period of the warring states, Qin guo according to the situation inside and outside on the aspect of foreign policy choice is self-evident. Filial piety and neutral Chu Han period, combined together to attack Wei; Hui Wang combined Wei guo, mergers ba guo, Shu guo, Yi Qu guo, joint Wei, Han, breaking Qi guo and Chu guo Union; Wu wang weakening and distant past attack and so on. It has been proved that these strategies are feasible and effective, which greatly accelerates the process of Qin unified the whole china.

Keywords: Foreign policy choices;Qin guo;Important component


目 录

一、秦孝公时期以削弱强魏为中心的纵横外交 1
二、秦惠文君时期联合魏韩,破坏齐楚联盟的纵横外交 2
三、秦昭王前期蚕食韩魏与削弱齐楚的纵横外交 4
四、秦昭王后期至秦王政时期的“远交近攻” 5
参 考 文 献 8
谢  辞 8


