

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




  Citizen Participation in Urban Community Construction 
     ABSTRACT:China in high-speed development, an edifice like overnight rise, however, participation in community residents has become an important problem in city construction, has gradually become the focus of attention of the society. From the actual participation in China's existing, and status of residents in the city construction is not optimistic, in view of this phenomenon, by research and investigation of the residents of the conclusion and made a specific analysis in the following article, put forward their own point of view. The factors that hinder the participation of residents in city construction are in many aspects, in order to improve the residents' participation, first of all to strengthen the sense of participation, mobilize the enthusiasm of the people and enable them to city construction Full of enthusiasm; secondly to improve the participation mechanism, so that every people can get involved in social and legal protection, to allow more residents to participate in the city construction, to their own city construction more beautiful.
     KEY  WORDS: urban community; residents participation

