

全文字数:13000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




关键字:新媒体时代 报业发展 党报转型 《南方日报》
The transformation of Party Organ in The New Media Age
——Take Nanfang Daily for example


During the new period, with the rapid development of Internet technology, digital technology and mobile technology,the dissemination of information have entered the New Media Age.Surrounded by the new media, how to adapt to the new requirement from new media age to information spreading has become a vital issue for the traditional media in transformating. There is no doubt that party organ,which is the representative of traditional media has faced severe challenges because of the clash of new media. On the one hand, how to firmly grasp the initiative of public opinion and how to strengthen the mainstream position and main role are very imperative. On the other hand,the competition of press is intensified, in this case ,through the revolutionary, the party organ should approach organ to public readers, make the press more attractive,steady the readership as well adapt to the needs of readers. At the present, new media has become the decisive force in this communicating pattern, it is necessary for party organ to base on reality, plan actively, and take the road of transforming and upgranding. As the patern of propagation has changed deeply , the fusion of party organ and new media will either bring about the new chances or confrant with challenges. Nafang Daily has gained great achievements by revising continuously New Media Age, which is a succseeful explotation for provincial level Part newspaper to carry out the revolution. Its distinguished achievement has catched many people’s eyes. And this dissertation will take Nanfang Daily under the circumstance of socialist economy as well as its useful enlightenment for party organ’s innovation strategy.

Key words: New Media Age;development of press;transformation of party organ;Nanfang Daily

