

全文字数:4500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



关键词:旅游翻译 归化 异化
On the E-C Tourism Translation from Perspective of Domestication and Foreignization

Abstract: With China playing increasingly significant role in international stage, plenty of chances have been provided to cross-cultural exchange and communication between China and other countries. This thesis consists of three parts besides its introduction and conclusion. Introduction briefly outlines the background, theme, and writing purpose of this thesis. The first part mainly examines the literature review of tourism texts. The second part makes a study of the nature of domestication and foreignization. The third part further explores the dynamic balance of domestication and foreignization in E-C tourism translation and methods guided by this principle. The final part is Conclusion, a final summary of this thesis, providing suggestions for tourism translators and pointing out the value of this thesis.
Key Words: tourism translation; domestication; foreignization

