

全文字数:8500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年





TheNutritional Components Determination And Analysis of Apple in Different Areas

Abstract: This paper takes four varieties of apple-Yuncheng local red Fuji, Gala, Starkrimson, Jinshuai, and identifies the nutritional components of the red apple in seven districts –Yuncheng Shanxi , Luochuan Shanxi , Yantai Shandong , Pingliang Gansu,  Akesu Xinjiang, Fengxian Jiangsu , Zhaotong Yunnan. The content of seven nutrients , water, reducing sugar, total sugar, ascorbic acid, total phenols, ash, total acid, were determined by six kinds of method - direct drying method, direct titration, 2,6- two chloro phenol titration, Folin colorimetric method, dry ashing method and titration method. As is showed in the data of the experiment,among the Fuji red apple from different origins ,the highestwater content in apples from FengxianJiangsu, the highest reducing suger content from Zhaotong Yunnan, the highest total suger from Akesu Xinjiang, the highest ascorbic acid content from Fengxian Jiangsu, the highest total phenol from Zhaotong Yunnan,the highest ash content from Yuncheng Shanxi, the highest total acid from Akesu Xingjiang .The nutrition component content also varies among the four sorts of apples in Yuncheng Shanxi: red Fuji has the highest content of water and ash, Starkrimson has the highest content of reducing sugar and total sugar, Gala has the highest content of ascorbic acid and total acid,Starkrimson has the highest content of the total phenol .   

Key words:different origins; apple; nutritional composition

