

全文字数:7000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




China boasts her long culinary culture around the world. The marvelous Chinese cuisine has been attracting more and more foreigners, and the names of dishes reflects Chinese cuisine culture. The dish name cannot only convey accurate information, but also the Chinese cuisine culture to the customers. Only by understanding the cultural connotation, can we grasp the method of translation from Chinese to English, and achieve the purpose of dissemination of culture. However, academic studies on translation of dish names are not given sufficient attention, especially the studies from the Cultural perspective at present. Most of the mistakes made in the translation of Chinese dish names are the result of verbal inadequacy, not of inappropriate cultural assumptions. Translation is not only the transfer between two languages, but also between two cultures. The cultural translation theory is, therefore, proposed dealing with this cross-cultural transmission. And this thesis paper will discuss the English translation of Chinese dish names from the cultural perspective, taking the cultural translation theory, dissimilation and naturalization strategies as the theoretical foundations. There are two main focuses of this thesis. One is to give an exploration of the cultural connotations of Chinese dish names in these dish names. The other is to provide strategies for their translation so as to maintain the original cultural flavor. Through a sequence of analysis, the author suggests that the translators should enhance their cultural awareness so as to better convert Chinese culture to the outside world.

Key words:naming of dishes; culture connotation; translation













