

全文字数:7500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



Charles Dickens is a representative writer of English critical realism in the 19th century. Dickens is able to compare with literary giants like Shakespeare in the history of English literature. He has achieved a lot all his life at all levels. There are three important aspects of the ideological contents of Dickens' novels, such as the social criticism, the promotion on the ethics and the exploration of human nature.[10] This paper tries to start from Dickens's major works about the human nature through the analysis of different autobiographical representative works during the 3 periods ------ "Oliver Twist", "David Copperfield" and "Great Expectations", showing the developments and changes of the view of human nature of Dickens, that is, from the initial blind optimism mentality to the middle bewilderment and confusion, to the pessimism and despair lately.
In the introduction part, the author makes a brief introduction of Dickens, introducing the backgrounds of Victorian age and showing the importance of the representative works of these three periods.
In the first chapter, by analyzing characters of Dickens's early masterpiece "Oliver Twist", Dickens elaborates his blind optimism in this period of creation. It discusses Oliver's innocence and purity and analyzes a series of ideal and good qualities of bourgeois, demonstrating that Dickens still had a positive and optimistic attitude in the extreme environment of humanity. In the second chapter, by analyzing the typical characters of Dickens's medium-term masterpiece "David Copperfield", with a disclosure of the human nature seen in many characters, Dickens points out furthermore his own confusion as for what a real humanity should be. In the third chapter, by analyzing the typical characters of Dickens's late masterpiece "Great Expectations", the author explains Dickens' return to good humanity and fantasies in this period. At the same time, he has much deeper and much purer knowledge of the capitalist system under the ugly reality, which distorts the bourgeois nature.
The conclusion part is a summary of Dickens's changing view of human nature ----- from the blind optimism about human nature, to the extreme confusion about society, to the final pessimistic view of human nature. Dickens’s changing view of human nature was an authentic reflection of the real changes of social life in the Victorian age, which boldly exposes and criticizes bourgeois society and the ugly human nature. It also further establishes Dickens’s irreplaceable position as a great writer of critical realism in the history of world literature.
Keywords: Charles Dickens; human nature view; change










查尔斯·狄更斯是英国 19 世纪批判现实主义的代表作家,在英国文学史上,狄更斯是能够与莎士比亚相比肩的文坛巨擘。他的一生创作成果颇丰,小说内容触及维多利亚社会生活的各个层面。其中,对社会的批判、对道德的弘扬及对人性的探索是狄更斯长篇小说思想内容的三个重要方面。本论文试从狄更斯主要小说作品对人性探索的角度入手,通过分析其不同文学创作时期的三部极具自传体色彩的代表性作品——《雾都孤儿》、《大卫·科波菲尔》和《远大前程》,展现其人性观的发展和变化趋势:从最初的盲目乐观心态到中期的困惑和迷茫,及至晚期的悲观与绝望。

