

全文字数:9000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



English education in kindergarten now is the one of the frequently-discussed problems in early childhood education. The current research findings mainly concentrate on the experiences of content and methods, lacking concerns on children's English learning principles and the effectiveness of English education in kindergarten. Focusing on the subject of English education, this study approaches to the effectiveness and influential factors from theoretical and practical aspects, especially children's learning principles,the characteristics of effective English learning, evaluation items and so on.
   The paper selects 60 5-6-years-old children from kindergartens, the research firstly tests children's overall English level by an English test, secondly gets the information of intelligence ability of certain children (those with the best and poorest performance) by evaluation tools of multi-intelligence test, and thirdly takes the longitudinal method to further study the English ability of children after their entering primary schools. After learning the current situation of effectiveness of English education, the research turns its attention to influential factors of teaching environments throughout the methods of observation, interview and questionnaire. The findings show that the ignorance of children's learning principles and the key elements of effectiveness of English education leads to the inefficiency of English education in kindergarten, such as problems on English learning attitude, interests, multi-cultural awareness, as well as listening and speaking ability, even on the overall performance. Accordingly, the research provides concerned suggestions to kindergarten teachers and parents in order to conduct English education more effectively.

Key words: English education in kindergarten;effectiveness ;emotional factors


    现代心理学家认为,一个人的成功, 80% 取决于非智力因素 -- 情感因素。此外,美国人文主义心理学家卡尔·罗杰斯 (Carl Rogers) 认为,教育的目的在于激发学生学习的动机、发展学生的潜能,形成积极向上的自我概念和价值观体系,最终使学生自己能够教育自己。学生的认识过程与情感过程是交织在一起的统一过程,学生情感的正确体现与表达能充分开发学生的内在驱动力,而这种驱动力会激励学生最终走向成功。因此教育应该最大程度地激发学生的良好情感,促使学生的情感与认知有机地结合起来,实现促进学生的全面发展这一最终目的。在实际教育中,情感因素对幼儿学习者教育具有重要意义,因为幼儿学习者思维活跃,模仿能力强,易于接受新事物,但其分辨能力较弱,面对纷至沓来的各种思潮,往往随心所欲不能择善从之,而幼儿学生的情感是可以通过后天努力来培养和发展的,所以提出了情感因素在幼儿英语教育过程中的重要性。

关键词:幼儿英语教学;情感教学 ;英语教学策略

