

全文字数:22000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


xx大学xx学院职工年会--年会前期统筹及活动日舞台协调会展因其本身的诸多不确定性,是非常难事先计划的。也因此目前,学术界还没有找到一个万能的计划模型。根据不同的资源,人力,成本以及参与群体,每一次的结果都会有所不同。一个活动的完成包括策划案和人力两个方面,用Shone和Parry (2004) 的话说,这是系统和人员活动的结合。系统的输出是可预测的,然而人类活动的不定性才是最大的挑战。没有任何一个会展学术著者看敢保证他的策划模型是百分百成功的。
Event, by its routine-less nature, is hard to be planned. Therefore, there is no universal model to guarantee the success of an event. Basing on different stakeholders, resources and event types, the outcome will be different each time. The establishment of the event involves both planning and team, in Shone and Parry (2004)’s words, it is the combination of system and staff. The outcome of a systematic mechanism can be easily predicted, however, the irrational part: human activity, lead no industry professionals to be one hundred percentage confident about their models.
Actually, to most events, completely following a model is meaningless. The very important part is how to plan.
KEYWORDS:Events management, Project management, Client event, Planning model

